erius 33fee958a5 Removed clang-tidy check for do-while loops
Added 2 new constructors for FileTape which copy the size of existing tape into a new one
Implemented external sort of a Tape using heap sort
Rewritten FileTape constructors implementation to better take advantage of existing constructor calls
Added const to some parameters to indicate their immutability
Added unit tests for external_sort
2024-10-27 05:18:23 +02:00

13 lines
548 B

find_package(Catch2 3 REQUIRED)
add_executable(filetape_tests ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/filetape_tests.cpp)
target_link_libraries(filetape_tests PRIVATE tapelib)
target_link_libraries(filetape_tests PRIVATE Catch2::Catch2WithMain)
add_test(filetape_tests filetape_tests)
add_executable(filetape_sort_tests ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/filetape_sort_tests.cpp)
target_link_libraries(filetape_sort_tests PRIVATE tapelib)
target_link_libraries(filetape_sort_tests PRIVATE Catch2::Catch2WithMain)
add_test(filetape_sort_tests filetape_sort_tests)