Alexander Vasilyev a56f50ac46 Calculate coverage of private code.
Create empty coverage profile from problem code to calculate coverage
correctly. For some wierd reasons it will also account for not tested packages.
This change prevents students from adding new code and testing it,
instead of getting good coverage for initial codebase :)
2020-03-27 22:32:10 +03:00

411 lines
11 KiB

package commands
import (
const (
problemFlag = "problem"
studentRepoFlag = "student-repo"
privateRepoFlag = "private-repo"
testdataDir = "testdata"
moduleImportPath = ""
var testSubmissionCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "check-task",
Short: "test single task",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
problem, err := cmd.Flags().GetString(problemFlag)
if err != nil {
studentRepo := mustParseDirFlag(studentRepoFlag, cmd)
if !problemDirExists(studentRepo, problem) {
log.Fatalf("%s does not have %s directory", studentRepo, problem)
privateRepo := mustParseDirFlag(privateRepoFlag, cmd)
if !problemDirExists(privateRepo, problem) {
log.Fatalf("%s does not have %s directory", privateRepo, problem)
if err := testSubmission(studentRepo, privateRepo, problem); err != nil {
func init() {
testSubmissionCmd.Flags().String(problemFlag, "", "problem directory name (required)")
_ = testSubmissionCmd.MarkFlagRequired(problemFlag)
testSubmissionCmd.Flags().String(studentRepoFlag, ".", "path to student repo root")
testSubmissionCmd.Flags().String(privateRepoFlag, ".", "path to shad-go-private repo root")
// mustParseDirFlag parses string directory flag with given name.
// Exits on any error.
func mustParseDirFlag(name string, cmd *cobra.Command) string {
dir, err := cmd.Flags().GetString(name)
if err != nil {
dir, err = filepath.Abs(dir)
if err != nil {
return dir
// Check that repo dir contains problem subdir.
func problemDirExists(repo, problem string) bool {
info, err := os.Stat(path.Join(repo, problem))
if err != nil {
return false
return info.IsDir()
func testSubmission(studentRepo, privateRepo, problem string) error {
// Create temp directory to store all files required to test the solution.
tmpRepo, err := ioutil.TempDir("/tmp", problem+"-")
if err != nil {
if err := os.Chmod(tmpRepo, 0755); err != nil {
defer func() { _ = os.RemoveAll(tmpRepo) }()
log.Printf("testing submission in %s", tmpRepo)
// Path to private problem folder.
privateProblem := path.Join(privateRepo, problem)
// Copy student repo files to temp dir.
log.Printf("copying student repo")
copyContents(studentRepo, ".", tmpRepo)
// Copy tests from private repo to temp dir.
log.Printf("copying tests")
tests := listTestFiles(privateProblem)
copyFiles(privateRepo, relPaths(privateRepo, tests), tmpRepo)
// Copy !change files from private repo to temp dir.
log.Printf("copying !change files")
protected := listProtectedFiles(privateProblem)
copyFiles(privateRepo, relPaths(privateRepo, protected), tmpRepo)
// Copy testdata directory from private repo to temp dir.
log.Printf("copying testdata directory")
copyDir(privateRepo, path.Join(problem, testdataDir), tmpRepo)
// Copy go.mod and go.sum from private repo to temp dir.
log.Printf("copying go.mod, go.sum and .golangci.yml")
copyFiles(privateRepo, []string{"go.mod", "go.sum", ".golangci.yml"}, tmpRepo)
log.Printf("running tests")
if err := runTests(tmpRepo, privateRepo, problem); err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("running linter")
if err := runLinter(tmpRepo, problem); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// copyDir recursively copies src directory to dst.
func copyDir(baseDir, src, dst string) {
_, err := os.Stat(src)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
cmd := exec.Command("rsync", "-prR", src, dst)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
cmd.Dir = baseDir
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("directory copying failed: %s", err)
// copyContents recursively copies src contents to dst.
func copyContents(baseDir, src, dst string) {
copyDir(baseDir, src+"/", dst)
// copyFiles copies files preserving directory structure relative to baseDir.
// Existing files get replaced.
func copyFiles(baseDir string, relPaths []string, dst string) {
for _, p := range relPaths {
cmd := exec.Command("rsync", "-prR", p, dst)
cmd.Dir = baseDir
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("file copying failed: %s", err)
func randomName() string {
var raw [8]byte
_, _ = rand.Read(raw[:])
return hex.EncodeToString(raw[:])
type TestFailedError struct {
E error
func (e *TestFailedError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("test failed: %v", e.E)
func (e *TestFailedError) Unwrap() error {
return e.E
func runLinter(testDir, problem string) error {
cmd := exec.Command("golangci-lint", "run", "--modules-download-mode", "readonly", "--build-tags", "private", fmt.Sprintf("./%s/...", problem))
cmd.Dir = testDir
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("linter failed: %w", err)
return nil
// runTests runs all tests in directory with race detector.
func runTests(testDir, privateRepo, problem string) error {
binCache, err := ioutil.TempDir("/tmp", "bincache")
if err != nil {
if err := os.Chmod(binCache, 0755); err != nil {
runGo := func(arg ...string) error {
log.Printf("> go %s", strings.Join(arg, " "))
cmd := exec.Command("go", arg...)
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "GOFLAGS=")
cmd.Dir = testDir
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
return cmd.Run()
binaries := map[string]string{}
testBinaries := map[string]string{}
binPkgs, testPkgs := listTestsAndBinaries(filepath.Join(testDir, problem), []string{"-tags", "private", "-mod", "readonly"})
for binaryPkg := range binPkgs {
binPath := filepath.Join(binCache, randomName())
binaries[binaryPkg] = binPath
if err := runGo("build", "-mod", "readonly", "-tags", "private", "-o", binPath, binaryPkg); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error building binary in %s: %w", binaryPkg, err)
coverageReq := getCoverageRequirements(path.Join(privateRepo, problem))
coveragePackages := []string{}
if coverageReq.Enabled {
log.Printf("required coverage: %.2f%%", coverageReq.Percent)
for _, pkg := range coverageReq.Packages {
coveragePackages = append(coveragePackages, path.Join(moduleImportPath, problem, pkg))
binariesJSON, _ := json.Marshal(binaries)
for testPkg := range testPkgs {
binPath := filepath.Join(binCache, randomName())
testBinaries[testPkg] = binPath
cmd := []string{"test", "-mod", "readonly", "-tags", "private", "-c", "-o", binPath, testPkg}
if coverageReq.Enabled {
cmd = append(cmd, "-cover", "-coverpkg", strings.Join(coveragePackages, ","))
if err := runGo(cmd...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error building test in %s: %w", testPkg, err)
coverProfiles := []string{}
for testPkg, testBinary := range testBinaries {
relPath := strings.TrimPrefix(testPkg, moduleImportPath)
coverProfile := path.Join(os.TempDir(), randomName())
cmd := exec.Command(testBinary)
if coverageReq.Enabled {
cmd = exec.Command(testBinary, "-test.coverprofile", coverProfile)
coverProfiles = append(coverProfiles, coverProfile)
if currentUserIsRoot() {
if err := sandbox(cmd); err != nil {
cmd.Dir = filepath.Join(testDir, relPath)
cmd.Env = []string{testtool.BinariesEnv + "=" + string(binariesJSON)}
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return &TestFailedError{E: err}
benchCmd := exec.Command(testBinary, "-test.bench=.", "^$")
if currentUserIsRoot() {
if err := sandbox(benchCmd); err != nil {
var buf bytes.Buffer
benchCmd.Dir = filepath.Join(testDir, relPath)
benchCmd.Env = []string{testtool.BinariesEnv + "=" + string(binariesJSON)}
benchCmd.Stdout = &buf
benchCmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := benchCmd.Run(); err != nil {
return &TestFailedError{E: err}
if strings.Contains(buf.String(), "no tests to run") {
if err := compareToBaseline(testPkg, privateRepo, buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
return err
if coverageReq.Enabled {
log.Printf("checking coverage is at least %.2f%%...", coverageReq.Percent)
// For some reason, this command will record all coverage blocks in coverpkg,
// even if no test binaries depend on given package.
// Hacky way to record all the code present in problem definition.
targetProfile := path.Join(os.TempDir(), randomName())
coverCmd := exec.Command("go",
"-coverpkg", strings.Join(coveragePackages, ","),
"-coverprofile", targetProfile,
"-run", "^$",
coverCmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "GOFLAGS=")
coverCmd.Dir = path.Join(privateRepo, problem)
coverCmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
log.Printf("> %s", strings.Join(coverCmd.Args, " "))
if err := coverCmd.Run(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting target coverage profile: %w", err)
percent, err := calCoverage(targetProfile, coverProfiles)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("coverage is %.2f%%", percent)
if percent < coverageReq.Percent {
return fmt.Errorf("poor coverage %.2f%%; expected at least %.2f%%",
percent, coverageReq.Percent)
return nil
func noMoreThanTwoTimesWorse(old, new *benchstat.Metrics) (float64, error) {
if new.Mean > 2*old.Mean {
return 0.0, nil
return 1.0, nil
func compareToBaseline(testPkg, privateRepo string, run []byte) error {
var buf bytes.Buffer
goTest := exec.Command("go", "test", "-tags", "private,solution", "-bench=.", testPkg)
goTest.Dir = privateRepo
goTest.Stdout = &buf
goTest.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := goTest.Run(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("baseline benchmark failed: %w", err)
c := &benchstat.Collection{
DeltaTest: noMoreThanTwoTimesWorse,
c.AddConfig("baseline.txt", buf.Bytes())
c.AddConfig("new.txt", run)
tables := c.Tables()
benchstat.FormatText(os.Stderr, tables)
for _, c := range tables {
for _, r := range c.Rows {
if r.Change == -1 {
return fmt.Errorf("solution is worse than baseline on benchmark %q", r.Benchmark)
return nil
// relPaths converts paths to relative (to the baseDir) ones.
func relPaths(baseDir string, paths []string) []string {
ret := make([]string, len(paths))
for i, p := range paths {
relPath, err := filepath.Rel(baseDir, p)
if err != nil {
ret[i] = relPath
return ret