
166 lines
8.1 KiB

local awful = require('awful')
local mod = require('binds.mod')
local modkey = mod.modkey
local apps = require('config.apps')
local widgets = require('ui')
--- Global key bindings
-- General Awesome keys.
awful.key({ modkey, }, 's', require('awful.hotkeys_popup').show_help,
{ description = 'show help', group = 'awesome' }),
awful.key({ mod.shift }, 'Alt_L', function () awful.widget.keyboardlayout().next_layout() end,
{ description = 'switch keyboard layout', group = 'awesome' }),
awful.key({ mod.alt }, 'Shift_L', function () awful.widget.keyboardlayout().next_layout() end,
{ description = 'switch keyboard layout', group = 'awesome' }),
awful.key({}, 'Print', function () awful.spawn.with_shell('maim -s | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png') end,
{ description = 'take a screenshot of selected area and copy to clipboard', group = 'awesome' }),
-- Media controls
--awful.key({}, 'XF86AudioRaiseVolume', function () volume_widget:inc(5) end,
-- { description = 'Raise volume', group = 'media' }),
--awful.key({}, 'XF86AudioLowerVolume', function () volume_widget:dec(5) end,
-- { description = 'Lower volume', group = 'media' }),
awful.key({}, 'XF86AudioPlay', function () awful.spawn('playerctl play-pause') end,
{ description = 'Play/Pause media', group = 'media' }),
awful.key({}, 'XF86AudioPause', function () awful.spawn('playerctl play-pause') end,
{ description = 'Play/Pause media', group = 'media' }),
awful.key({}, 'XF86AudioNext', function () awful.spawn('playerctl next') end,
{ description = 'Next track', group = 'media' }),
awful.key({}, 'XF86AudioPrev', function () awful.spawn('playerctl previous') end,
{ description = 'Previous track', group = 'media' }),
awful.key({ modkey, }, 'w', function() end,
{ description = 'show main menu', group = 'awesome' }),
awful.key({ modkey, mod.ctrl }, 'r', awesome.restart,
{ description = 'reload awesome', group = 'awesome' }),
awful.key({ modkey, mod.shift }, 'q', awesome.quit,
{ description = 'quit awesome', group = 'awesome' }),
awful.key({ modkey, mod.shift }, 'p', function () awful.spawn.with_shell('~/.local/bin/') end,
{ description = 'lock screen', group = 'awesome' }),
awful.key({ modkey }, 'x', function(){
prompt = 'Run Lua code: ',
textbox = awful.screen.focused().mypromptbox.widget,
exe_callback = awful.util.eval,
history_path = awful.util.get_cache_dir() .. '/history_eval' })
end, { description = 'lua execute prompt', group = 'awesome' }),
awful.key({ modkey, }, 'Return', function() awful.spawn(apps.terminal) end,
{ description = 'open a terminal', group = 'launcher' }),
awful.key({ modkey }, 'r', function() awful.spawn('rofi -show drun') end,
{ description = 'run prompt', group = 'launcher' }),
awful.key({ modkey }, 'p', function() require('menubar').show() end,
{ description = 'show the menubar', group = 'launcher' }),
-- Tags related keybindings.
awful.key({ modkey, }, 'Left', awful.tag.viewprev,
{ description = 'view previous', group = 'tag' }),
awful.key({ modkey, }, 'Right', awful.tag.viewnext,
{ description = 'view next', group = 'tag' }),
awful.key({ modkey, }, 'Escape', awful.tag.history.restore,
{ description = 'go back', group = 'tag' }),
-- Focus related keybindings.
awful.key({ modkey, }, 'j', function() awful.client.focus.byidx( 1) end,
{ description = 'focus next by index', group = 'client' }),
awful.key({ modkey, }, 'k', function() awful.client.focus.byidx(-1) end,
{ description = 'focus previous by index', group = 'client'}),
awful.key({ modkey, }, 'Tab', function()
if client.focus then
end, { description = 'go back', group = 'client' }),
awful.key({ modkey, mod.ctrl }, 'j', function() awful.screen.focus_relative( 1) end,
{ description = 'focus the next screen', group = 'screen' }),
awful.key({ modkey, mod.ctrl }, 'k', function() awful.screen.focus_relative(-1) end,
{ description = 'focus the previous screen', group = 'screen' }),
awful.key({ modkey, mod.ctrl }, 'n', function()
local c = awful.client.restore()
-- Focus restored client
if c then
c:activate { raise = true, context = 'key.unminimize' }
end, { description = 'restore minimized', group = 'client' }),
-- Layout related keybindings.
awful.key({ modkey, mod.shift }, 'j', function() awful.client.swap.byidx( 1) end,
{ description = 'swap with next client by index', group = 'client' }),
awful.key({ modkey, mod.shift }, 'k', function() awful.client.swap.byidx(-1) end,
{ description = 'swap with previous client by index', group = 'client' }),
awful.key({ modkey, }, 'u', awful.client.urgent.jumpto,
{ description = 'jump to urgent client', group = 'client' }),
awful.key({ modkey, }, 'l', function() awful.tag.incmwfact( 0.05) end,
{ description = 'increase master width factor', group = 'layout' }),
awful.key({ modkey, }, 'h', function() awful.tag.incmwfact(-0.05) end,
{ description = 'decrease master width factor', group = 'layout' }),
awful.key({ modkey, mod.shift }, 'h', function() awful.tag.incnmaster( 1, nil, true) end,
{ description = 'increase the number of master clients', group = 'layout' }),
awful.key({ modkey, mod.shift }, 'l', function() awful.tag.incnmaster(-1, nil, true) end,
{ description = 'decrease the number of master clients', group = 'layout' }),
awful.key({ modkey, mod.ctrl }, 'h', function() awful.tag.incncol( 1, nil, true) end,
{ description = 'increase the number of columns', group = 'layout' }),
awful.key({ modkey, mod.ctrl }, 'l', function() awful.tag.incncol(-1, nil, true) end,
{ description = 'decrease the number of columns', group = 'layout' }),
awful.key({ modkey, }, 'space', function() 1) end,
{ description = 'select next', group = 'layout' }),
awful.key({ modkey, mod.shift }, 'space', function() end,
{ description = 'select previous', group = 'layout' }),
modifiers = { modkey },
keygroup = 'numrow',
description = 'only view tag',
group = 'tag',
on_press = function(index)
local tag = awful.screen.focused().tags[index]
if tag then tag:view_only() end
modifiers = { modkey, mod.ctrl },
keygroup = 'numrow',
description = 'toggle tag',
group = 'tag',
on_press = function(index)
local tag = awful.screen.focused().tags[index]
if tag then awful.tag.viewtoggle(tag) end
modifiers = { modkey, mod.shift },
keygroup = 'numrow',
description = 'move focused client to tag',
group = 'tag',
on_press = function(index)
if client.focus then
local tag = client.focus.screen.tags[index]
if tag then client.focus:move_to_tag(tag) end
modifiers = { modkey, mod.ctrl, mod.shift },
keygroup = 'numrow',
description = 'toggle focused client on tag',
group = 'tag',
on_press = function(index)
if client.focus then
local tag = client.focus.screen.tags[index]
if tag then client.focus:toggle_tag(tag) end
modifiers = { modkey },
keygroup = 'numpad',
description = 'select layout directly',
group = 'layout',
on_press = function(index)
local t = awful.screen.focused().selected_tag
if t then
t.layout = t.layouts[index] or t.layout