local awful = require('awful') local beautiful = require('beautiful') local wibox = require('wibox') local widgets = require('ui') --- Attach tags and widgets to all screens. screen.connect_signal('request::desktop_decoration', function(s) -- Create all tags and attach the layouts to each of them. local settings = require('config.user').screens[s.index] awful.tag(settings.tags, s, settings.layouts) -- Attach a wibar to each screen. widgets.wibar(s) end) --- Wallpaper. -- NOTE: `awful.wallpaper` is ideal for creating a wallpaper IF YOU -- BENEFIT FROM IT BEING A WIDGET and not just the root window -- background. IF YOU JUST WISH TO SET THE ROOT WINDOW BACKGROUND, you -- may want to use the deprecated `gears.wallpaper` instead. This is -- the most common case of just wanting to set an image as wallpaper. screen.connect_signal('request::wallpaper', function(s) awful.wallpaper({ screen = s, widget = { widget = wibox.container.tile, valign = 'center', halign = 'center', tiled = false, { widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, image = beautiful.wallpaper, upscale = true, downscale = true } } }) end) -- An example of what's mentioned above. For more information, see: -- https://awesomewm.org/apidoc/utility_libraries/gears.wallpaper.html -- gears.wallpaper.maximized(beautiful.wallpaper)