# AwesomeWM Community Modules This directory serves as a container for community modules, for easy access in code. To add submodules like the popular [bling](https://github.com/blingcorp/bling) or [rubato](https://github.com/andorlando/rubato), either clone their repos into this directory or add them as submodules of this repository. An example file structure would be: ``` ~/.config/awesome/ ... - module - bling ... init.lua - rubato ... init.lua - some_mod ... init.lua ... ... ``` Which would allow you to use these modules anywhere inside the config directory by simply referencing them as: ``` local bling = require('module.bling') local some_mod = require('module.some_mod') ``` ## Common Community Modules - [blingcorp/bling](https://github.com/blingcorp/bling), a collaborative community library providing several goods like new layouts, widgets, signals and functionality like scratchpads and tabbing. - [andOrlando/rubato](https://github.com/andorlando/rubato), an animation library that's easy to use. Do mind the fact that AWM runs on a **single CPU thread** and animations can stress it pretty hard, so don't abuse them. - [Aire-One/awesome-battery_widget](https://github.com/aire-one/awesome-battery_widget), a simple and quick library providing battery information for laptops. And many more.